Financially resourcing & investing in the vision
ABOVE & BEYOND existing giving
Engage in community investment and campus multiplication in places such as Cheektowaga, Niagara Falls and wherever or however God leads.
Grow strategic partnerships and multiply church plants through Kingdom Come by connecting God-given resources with gospel-centered endeavors.
Create future and sustainable margin/capacity by eliminating our existing debt liability as funds become available.
Year |
Expand |
Partner |
Release |
Total |
2017 | + $ 2.5m | + $ 500k | - | + $ 3.0m |
2018 | + $ 1.5m | + $ 500k | + $ 1.0m | + $ 3.0m |
2019 | + $ 500k | + $ 500k | + $ 2.0m | + $ 3.0m |
2020 | + $ 500k | + $ 500k | + $ 2.0m | + $ 3.0m |
2021 | + $ 500k | + $ 500k | + $ 2.0m | + $ 3.0m |
TOTAL | + $ 5.5m | + $ 2.5m | + $ 7.0m | + $ 15.0m |
Beyond 2022, we will be positioned for greater generosity towards Kingdom work by allocating an additional $2-3m (or more) per year towards Gospel-centered endeavors.
Imagine all that could happen if we accomplish these goals together!
God’s mission requires the active participation of all of His people.
Be faithfully committed to prayer: for God's provision, timing, and wisdom. Also, for each of the communities that we will have opportunity to influence and for transformed lives.
Be an ambassador for this effort in every place you are connected to: this community of faith, in your small group, where you serve, at your workplace and with those who you interact with regularly
Be part of a volunteer team to support and contribute towards these efforts: to launch campus locations and church plants, to donate time and expertise to sustain existing partners, to be the hands and feet of Jesus using whatever God has given you, wherever God has put you.
Be a generous and giving people that prayerfully and faithfully helps fund these projects: from $100 to $1,000 to $10,000 to $100,000 to $1,000,000. The reality is that we will need everyone to do something – according to whatever the Lord provides and enables. Give online now.
If you missed parts 3 and 4 of the Legacy series, catch up here:
I'd like more information about how I could get involved financially