Called to Be a People of Faith

I was reminded recently of a couple of things related to our Kingdom Come efforts and why it is important for us as followers of Christ to be actively engaged in this individual, yet corporate, faith journey each and every year. It struck me more pointedly this year as I sat through the annual Family Update and reflected upon the fact that The Chapel gave away well over 20% of its total income. In fact, for this past year that number was closer to 25% driven by a couple of larger gifts. This is healthy, very healthy and is a great indicator, noting though it is not the only sign, of the priority and generosity of The Chapel AND those who call The Chapel home. Even so, it is a pretty good one and the beauty of it is that it can grow every year. We will have more communication in the coming months as it relates to the next Kingdom Come cycle and how you can participate whether for your first time or for your fifth time. Suffice it to say that our individual faith odyssey related to Kingdom Come sets the trajectory for the whole. Sure we can have a few individuals give large amounts and to this we are very, very grateful believing they are obedient to what God has asked them to do. However, if everyone took the position that Kingdom Come is only for those with great wealth, they and we would miss a unique opportunity for God to do something in our midst in the lives of His people. The power of the Church rests in the multitude of believers not just in a few exceptionally equipped people. When all of God's people get involved in what He desires to do, the effect is exponential not additive or isolated. Let us not rest on the faith of others but exercise our own. Faith is a gift from God. He is the author and perfecter of it in His people and He expects each of us to use it, demonstrate it, grow it, deepen it, share it for when we do, it pleases Him and brings Him glory.

The Psalmist knew this full well when under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he wrote in Psalm 1:1-3, "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." You may be asking what does that passage have to do with faith given it doesn't mention faith one time. I would offer to you this perspective, that when God's people under the Lordship of Jesus Christ are walking truly by faith it looks just as the Psalmist describes. We are captured by holiness and enthralled by the things of God while working to produce blessings to and for the benefit of the world. On the other hand, how would it be possible for a person of no faith to be the person described by the Psalmist? Simply stated they could not. We are called to be people of faith and when we live by faith tangible things in our souls and in our lives are produced that are visible and discernible. This is the one thing no one can deny nor ignore nor discount. Faith in action which produces mature fruit brings God glory and hope to the world. This is an incredible truth to behold and a glimpse of the genius of God in why we, the Church, exist.

So, how does all of this relate to Kingdom Come? We need to be challenged and stretched from time to time to exercise our faith so that it will grow. If our faith is not being tested, we can become stale and the vibrancy of our passion can ebb quickly. Kingdom Come gives us an opportunity as a body and as individuals to exercise, even test our faith. I can personally offer testimony that each year Carla and I prayerfully considered an amount to give, God delivered. He gave to us so we could give to Kingdom Come. The manner in which that happened was different but the outcome was the same. God can be trusted and if we have faith in Him to do through us that which He desires to do in this world He will do so in our midst. So, I ask you not to miss the opportunity to grow your faith through Kingdom Come. For those of you who have experienced God working in your lives related to your Kingdom Come Faith Promise, I would count it a blessing to hear your story. Please send your story to send a message. Many blessings to each of you and may it be said of us that whatever we corporately do prospers which for The Chapel is evidenced by our ability to ensure that every man, woman and child has repeated opportunities to hear, to see, to experience the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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