Community Groups

Community Groups

A safe place to grow spiritually and build authentic relationships with others that help us genuinely love God, love the Church and love the world.

Join A Group

At The Chapel, we have groups for men, women, 20s/30s, 55+, co-ed, married couples, and families. The best way to get connected to a Community Group is through our Next Steps process. If you are a member of our church and are looking to get connected with a Community Group, please reach out to your campus team.

Lead A Group

Community group leaders have the incredible opportunity to create a safe and welcoming space for people to grow spiritually, connect with others, and support one another on their faith journey. In order to get more people involved in healthy Community Groups, leaders will walk through an application process and training. To take a next step in becoming a Community Group leader, please fill out The Chapel’s Service Application. 

Apply to Lead a Group

Kids and Students

Community Groups also meet within Chapel Kids, Chapel Students, and Chapel Young Adults. Check out their respective pages for more information on any of these environments.