Leading Like a King or Queen

From our earliest dreams as children, which are continually reinforced through movies and books down through the years since, we from time to time ponder what would it be like to be a king or queen as the case might be. What would I do? Where would my kingdom be? What threats or battles would I fight? How would the people view my leadership? These are interesting questions for sure, that many of us, if not all who read this, will never have the need to really answer. However, there is one aspect to this royal dream that is worth considering for us as followers of Christ who will one day reign and rule with Him. We do not know in what capacity per se’ but we will indeed rule and reign with Him – the King of kings and Lord of lords. So, if this is a reality at some point in eternity, are there aspects that we can consider and even demonstrate today? I believe that there are especially in terms of faith. This blog post is written from the aspect of having the faith of a king or queen. What does that look like? What does that do? What impact does that have on those around the throne if you will? These questions, I believe, we can answer today. Not only can we answer these today, but I believe we can embrace and embody the answers given today is a part of eternity even though we are not fully in the place we will be with our Lord and Savior.

So, with all of that said, I turn your attention to Psalm 4. This particular Psalm gives us great insight into the faith of the king, King David. We not only see in this passage what he did but also we can learn to do the same in our respective homes, marriages, and places of employment. In sum, we can employ King David’s approach to faith in our lives which will have a dramatic impact on how we lead – how we lead ourselves, how we lead our families, how we lead in our communities, how we lead in the kingdom of God (other believers), how we lead in our workplaces, and how we lead in this world regardless of place and position – leading with a “Kingly Faith.” Each of us has opportunities to lead; so, as Christ followers I believe the following is applicable to all, but first let us look at the passage of interest from King David:

Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer.
How long will you people turn my glory into shame?
How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?
Know that the Lord has set apart his faithful servant for himself; the Lord hears when I call to him.
Tremble and do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.
Offer the sacrifices of the righteous and trust in the Lord.
Many, Lord, are asking, “Who will bring us prosperity?” Let the light of your face shine on us.
Fill my heart with joy when their grain and new wine abound.
In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.
- Psalm 4:1-8 NIV

After reading and reflecting on this passage, there are four aspects to the faith of David that become apparent to me in regards to how he led, how he demonstrated his faith, and the impact of that faith on others.

The first aspect to David’s faith is that he pleads to God and God alone. Every leader, whether you lead little or much, will run into trouble and challenges. David turned to God exclusively. He understood that the answer to his distress was in the hands of God and his best option was to plead to God for relief based upon God’s mercy and righteousness. Is this something you and I do, or do we seek relief from others or in other things, and then turn to God when those don’t work? God desires absolute loyalty and allegiance for He is the source of our relief in times of distress. God may use things and people in this world to help us but it starts with Him and Him alone. Kingly faith that honors God knows where to go first. This is something you and I should learn and do as well for God hears the prayers of the obedient and the loyal. He is the source of our relief, our help in times of trouble – He is the one we should turn to first!

The second aspect of David’s faith is that he was faithful in his leadership duties in terms of leading the people. He encouraged them strongly to get right with God. All leadership that honors God does the same, that is, it uses its influence and its authority to encourage people to live lives worthy of God. In sum, David basically, in terms of faithfully discharging his duty as king, called his people to repent (that is turn from sin), to live a life of righteousness which is an offering to God, and then to trust God in all things. We too, can do the same. We can call those we lead or influence to repent. This, by the way, includes ourselves for the first person you lead is yourself. We can then encourage people to live a life of righteousness, which is one where the Spirit of God is dominating thought and action whereby fruit is produced to the glory of God. Lastly, kingly faith encourages those around them to always trust in God. While easily said, this is something as a leader you must demonstrate as you encourage others to do the same. What are you trusting God for this day? Let others know it. Let them see your trust birth hope, joy, and peace as you face the day. This is kingly faith as it faithfully discharges its influence to others. It always calls them to trust holiness.

The third aspect of kingly faith is that is intercedes on behalf of others for their ultimate good. David knew that blessing and prosperity came and comes from God. While the people didn’t fully understand this, he did, and as such he prayed for blessing from God specifically for his people. We too, can and should do the same. Do you and I intercede for those we lead and influence such that we ask God to bless them? Indeed, when was the last time you prayed for the light of God’s face to shine upon your children, your spouse, your co-workers, or your neighbors? David did in a sense for those he led. Kingly faith seeks and asks for God’s blessing on people.This is a duty of leadership and something we each can do in light of what God has granted us to lead. We should be asking God to bless those we lead, plain and simple.

Lastly, David as king, with all of the trouble, all of the people, and all of the pressures of his kingship, asked for and enjoyed peace and security. He understood that ultimately peace and security rests in the hands of God. Do you or I view it the same or do we seek peace and security from others and in others? Do we believe peace and security are found on a distant beach in a distant land far away from where we “lead”? God is the true source of peace in our lives and is the ultimate provider of security. We, as David did, need to ask God for these so that we can rest and in that rest, demonstrate trust. We each need rest, to this there is no doubt especially in the world in which we live and lead. God alone can provide such peace and rest. Kingly faith knows the true source for such things and seeks it out. We too, can and should do the same.

So, while you or I might not be kings and queens on this day, we will reign and rule at some point with Christ in eternity. That said, there are aspects to being a king or queen we can learn and demonstrate today in terms of faith given what has been granted to each of us whether much or little. May you and I learn to exercise and demonstrate a kingly faith, for when we do, we glorify God and help others to do the same.

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