Choose To Be Rich

What does the Scripture say about wealth, finances and generosity? Join us in this series as we discuss financial stewardship.

Choose A god

Part 1 • May 25, 2014 • Pastor Jerry Gillis

The Bible has some direct teaching for those who are rich, but what we may not realize is that this teaching is for all of us. On a global scale, we are among the wealthiest people on the planet, which means that we need to hear and apply what the Scripture says. And that begins with today's message: choose the god you will serve.

Choose A Message

Part 2 • June 1, 2014 • Pastor Jerry Gillis

We all must choose which message we will believe. The Doctrine of the Deserving says that we should consume all we have on ourselves, while the Gospel of Grace says that we have been blessed in order to be a blessing. The message we choose to embrace will determine the kind of life we live.

Choose A Method

Part 3 • June 15, 2014 • Pastor Jerry Gillis

We have to decide if we are going to be rich towards ourselves or if we are going to be rich towards God. Whichever method we choose will have an enormous impact on the decisions we make with our stuff.

Choose A World

Part 4 • June 22, 2014 • Pastor Jerry Gillis

How you treat what you have now will impact what you have in eternity. We need to lead our hearts toward generosity as we look ahead to the coming age.

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