Community Group Study Notes
Have someone in your group give a brief recap of Sunday’s message, highlighting the primary Scripture passages and main idea of the message.
How did this message strengthen, confirm and/or correct your previous ideas about life in the Spirit and/or drifting away from God?
Have you previously battled laziness in spirituality? Are you currently battling laziness in spirituality? Consider: what currently has your highest attention and affection?
Review the scriptures comparing the first- and second-generation church Pastor Jerry led us through on Sunday. Compare the following verses:
Acts 2:42 and Hebrews 13:7-9a
Acts 2:44-45 and Hebrews 13:5
Acts 2:42, 44-45 and Hebrews 10:24-25
What were the differences between the early church and the generation removed?
Which generation does the current church body reflect?
Reflect on Acts 2:42-47. How does our Community Group compare to the early Church? What can we do as a group to better reflect the early church?
What does it mean to live life in the Spirit? How can the Spirit revive our faith?
In what ways can you apply today’s message to your life?
Action Step
Spend time in extended reflection and action this week. Journal a response to this prompt:
Reflect on your daily rhythms, spiritual practices, and intimacy with God. Are you currently drifting away from God? Or is He your anchor? Read Hebrews 6:19-20 daily this week, reminding your soul that Christ is your anchor.
Sign up for a day to fast and spend time in intentional prayer:
Mobilization Challenge
What step can your group take this week to live like those in the early church (Acts 2:42-47). Consider inviting someone from your sphere of influence to a group dinner, giving financially as a group, or serving as a group. Pray for God to add to your number as you live on mission together as a group.
If you take this step as a group, share your experience at!