The Making of Me

In this series we will explore what it means to be a disciple of Christ.


Part 1 • April 27, 2014 • Pastor Jerry Gillis

The question is not if you are being shaped by someone or something; the question is: who or what is shaping you? Who is making you? For the one who is a Christian, the God who made you is also making you.


Part 2 • May 4, 2014 • Pastor Jerry Gillis

Spiritual gifts are not from you or for you; they are from God and for others. Our gifts are to be used for His glory and the good of others.


Part 3 • May 11, 2014 • Pastor Jonathan Drake

"Witness" is less about an activity and more about an identity. It's who we are, and who God is making us to be. We are all witnesses to what God has done in our lives through Jesus, and we can't help but tell the world of His Good News.


Part 4 • May 18, 2014 • Pastor Jerry Gillis

Being a disciple of Jesus is not only about being a good student of the Scripture, or about being involved in a lot of religious activity. A disciple is someone who daily follows Jesus Christ and compels others to do the same.

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