
Summer time is a great time to remember to serve others! As Christ-followers, we reflect the heart of our Savior when we serve because as Jesus said, "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve - and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mark 10:45). This Summer, consider how you can steward your time to be a blessing to others. Let's make the most of every opportunity! On this page you'll see a few different ideas on how you can serve in three different categories: Serve Your Church, Serve Your City, and Serve Your Neighbor. Thanks Church family!

Serve Your Church

One way we can show our love for the Church is by serving the Church! Each of us is gifted by God - to bring glory to Him and for the good of others. As members of this body of believers known as The Chapel, we each have a part to play. Consider stepping out in faith and volunteering with one of our ministry teams. Try serving in one of the areas listed at the link below, and be open to how God may work in you and through you as you serve. Come be a part of what God is doing in our church family!

Serving opportunities:

Serve Your City

Eight Days of Hope

Check out this exciting video from our Kingdom Come partner, Eight Days of Hope! There's an exciting update on the Safe Harbor House, as well as a reminder for Eight Days of Hope Buffalo, coming up on July 20-27, 2024. Let's serve our city together! You can sign up at the link below!

Serve Your Neighbor

We don't have to look very far to be a blessing to others. In fact, it may just mean going across the street or across the hall! Click the link below to check out some ideas on how to serve your neighbors this Summer!