
Sorted by: John Camardo

John Camardo Staff Page


Why is Spiritual Discipline So Hard?

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not about what we can do to earn God’s favor, it is about what...

Conflict Resolution

Conflict seems to be naturally occurring in our world, right? We are all drawn to it – hence...

Wisdom in Decision Making

As a follow up to my last post on Wisdom Understanding, I want to show an example of how to...

Caring for the Defenseless

James 1:27 in its simplest form would state…care for the defenseless I would categorize...

Encouraging our kids to own their faith

My wife, Donna, and I (along with some great support from the SHINE! middle school ministry at...

What environment am I creating in my home?

Let me just start out by saying that this topic is incredibly personal to me because it is a...