Christmas 2020

Begin reading the Bible

Are you looking to begin reading the Bible this Christmas? We’d love to help. 

Access the Bible electronically right now:


Have a physical Bible mailed to me:


Christmas Season Services


Christmas Eve Services:

5pm, 7pm and 9pm (all-online)

Family Advent Calendar

With the Christmas season upon us, we want to help families find different ways to be reminded of the Christmas story, and find joy through the month of December. Our King's World team has put together an advent calendar that you can follow along with, along with some music for you and your family to listen to!


Spotify Christmas List

Christmas Carol Blog

This Christmas, our team has put together a series of blog posts, that will continue to be updated each week, which helps us to focus on the message of Christ, through traditional Christmas carols. The blog will be a short write-up to help the reader look at the song in light of Jesus. This series is intended to be a way to bring Christ back into the minds and the hearts of people over the holiday season.


Hope Together

This Christmas season has looked like none other than we've experienced before. You may know that, typically, every year, The Chapel puts together a Christmas production for the entire WNY community. With the many challenges that 2020 has brought, we will be doing something a little different this year.

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Download Resources to Invite Others!

Christmas Giving

Generous living is a mark of a disciple. Each Christmas season, we demonstrate generosity together as a church by taking up a Christmas offering which we give away. This year is no different. This year's Christmas offering will be distributed globally, nationally and regionally to extend the reach of the Gospel through our ministry partners and into parts of the world outside of our direct sphere of influence. This year's offering will be distributed globally to Israel Firstfruits, nationally to Christ Together & Eight Days of Hope, and locally to Church Planting Initiative and to additional local ministries to provide technological and evangelical support. We hope you'll join God on his mission of reaching every man, woman and child this Christmas season. 


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