Coronavirus Updates

Updates as of March 19 at 10am

Here are some ways that you can watch our live stream:

Online Giving

If you'd like to give online, click below:


If you would like to use our text to give option, text the amount to 716-333-5511.


Frequently Asked Questions

No, none of our campuses will be gathering in-person, but instead we are encouraging everyone to engage with us through our live stream at 9am or 11am. (see all the ways to watch further down this page)

No, we will not have any in-person gatherings during the week. That includes Movi, Vintage, and support groups. We will be streaming Movi and Vintage on our website ( at the normal times they typically gather.

We are leaving this up to the discretion of the group. Most importantly, we are asking groups to continue in caring for each other by keeping in touch, asking for prayer requests, etc., through digital means.

Although Shine and King's World will not be gathering, we will still be incorporating a segment into our Sunday live stream that will be geared for children and students to still engage with.