Looking for a fun way to connect with your fiance/spouse?
Check out Married Life Cafe Events. Visit https://thechapel.com/events/?ministry=Marriage to find more details and to register for our next Married Life Cafe event.
We want to help people experience the individual growth necessary for a healthy marriage by creating relevant environments designed to:
- Prepare dating and engaged couples to get off to a great start
- Empower couples with fun yet powerful teaching
- Encourage people to be a part of a community group to experience friendship and support
- Help people when they need hope and direction
We have a number of tools available on this page to help strengthen your marriage including several resources and recommended readings.
MarriedPeople Monthly
MarriedPeople Monthly contains go-and-do’s that couples can actually go and do. In each monthly issue sent to your email, you’ll find the following content:
- He Said/She Said: Each month, we highlight a couple we think has something great to say. We give them one question to ask each other.
- Hot Button: We ask a marriage guru to share with us one simple thing that could dramatically impact marriages.
- Random Awesomeness: We justify surfing the web to bring you random awesomeness.
- Post It: Grab a sticky note, fill in the blank in the sentence we provide, and put in a place where your spouse will find it.
- The Spice: Each month, we will bring you one topic that will hopefully bring you closer in the bedroom.
- 2-Minute Vacation: Escape the craziness of everyday life and dream with one another in answering a simple question.
- Plugged In: The best gift you can give your spouse is a healthy you—health spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. Each month, we explore a different way to make you a better you.
Subscribe to MarriedPeople Monthly
Crisis Support
If your marriage would benefit from some additional guidance and support (for whatever reason), please contact The Chapel office at 716.631.2636 x201. Ask to make an appointment with one of the following individuals on our staff: David Drake, Richard George or Robert Grabau.