Chapel Kids is our Children's Ministry for Infants - 6th Grade!  

Chapel Kids is an integral part of our Church family and join us on the same mission to ensure every man, woman and child has repeated opportunities to hear and see the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to help every kid learn about Jesus and help them live as Jesus' followers in these instrumental years of life!

We want to help create disciples who...

Love God: We're on a personal and a group journey to know and follow God.
Love The Church: We're building a strong and caring community.
Love The World: Our words, actions and kindness show Jesus to the world around us.


Sundays : Every Sunday Morning kids have fun learning about Jesus in an engaging way as they are guided in living as His followers in their everyday lives.

Kids Camp : The best week of the year! Kids from all of our campuses come together for fun, games, worship and discovery of God’s story.

4th - 6th Grade Bootcamp : We take one day every fall to get away and seek after God with kids in the same age range from all of our campuses. 

Sunday Mornings are a big deal for Chapel Kids! Here is what you can expect joining us on a Sunday Morning:

As we partner together to build Disciples, we want to ensure the whole family discovers Jesus through the whole Bible. In Chapel Kids, this will be in fun and engaging spaces where kids can learn and grow with a team of leaders who have a passion and heart to partner with parents as they learn ways to disciple their kids to become followers of Jesus. 

Early Childhood [Infant- 4 years old]  We will shower them with love and teach them through storytelling.

Elementary [Kindergarten - 3rd Graders]  We will show and tell them about Jesus through His Word.

Preteen [4th - 6th Graders]  We will guide them in living as Jesus’  followers in their world.

Community Groups begin in Kindergarten so our Kindergarten – Sixth Graders have the opportunity to connect with consistent, committed Community Group Leaders and Staff, create new relationships and most importantly continue to build their faith in Jesus!

Our hope is to equip, connect and encourage parents on their incredible journey of discipling their children. 

For more information on our Sunday gatherings at your campus, contact your Family Ministry Coordinator. ​​​​​​
Contact info below...

Our team would love to hear from you...

Cheektowaga Campus
Melanie Genawaysend me a message! 

CrossPoint Campus
Orin Helfrich - send me a message!          
Bethany Kishsend me a message!

Lockport Campus
Tiffany Pearl - send me a message!            

Niagara Falls Campus
Samm Reynolds - send me a message!

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