What is Prayer?
Prayer is the continuation of a conversation with God that He started with us.
Why do we Pray?
Like with most relationships, the more time we spend together the stronger those relationships become. One of the ways we can strengthen our relationship with God is through intentional prayer.
Did you Know?
If you visit any of our physical locations on a Sunday morning, we have people who are ready and available to pray with or for you! If you'd like to do that on a Sunday, there are two options. First, we have a prayer meeting that meets weekly at our Crosspoint Campus at 8:00am in the Living Room. Second, we have prayer partners available after each service. Please send a message and let us know what campus you attend, and how you would like to get connected to our prayer ministries.
Get connected
Have you just started following Jesus and want to know more about how to pray? Feel free to send a message!
Need Prayer?
Are you in need of prayer? Outside of visiting us on a Sunday, you can give us a call at 716-631-2636, or send us an email.
Pray For Others
To pray for those in need of prayer join our prayer team by clicking this link.