Kingdom Come


God is on mission - "Missio Dei." His on-going mission is to reach every man, woman, and child with the message of hope in His Son, Jesus Christ. God has called us to join him on this incredible Mission. We call our part of this journey Kingdom Come and define it as ensuring every man, woman, and child has repeated opportunities to hear and see the gospel of Jesus Christ within our circles of influence. We will accomplish this through working in unity with other expressions of the Body of Christ as well as directly engaging in and birthing other ministries.

About Kingdom Come

There is so much to know about what Kingdom Come does, and who Kingdom Come is. To find out more about us, just click the buton below.


Get Involved

We have a ton of opportunities to get involved! To find out where to start, just click the button below! 


On Mission

If you want to see this year's On Mission magazine, along with past years, click the button below.


Resources and Articles

If you want to find more resources or read blog articles about what God is doing through different partner ministries, you can click the button below.


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