Fight the Good Fight
Pastor Jerry Gillis - March 13, 2022Watch and listen to messages from our Sunday gatherings. You can also download video and audio files to take with you wherever you go!
Community Group Study Notes
Have someone in your group give a brief recap of Sunday’s message, highlighting the primary Scripture passages and why we should keep fighting the good fight of faith.
What does it mean to fight the good fight of faith?
Sometimes we need to be reminded of what we have confessed. Reflect on your baptism or one of the first times you confessed your faith to a family member or friend – share this moment with the group. How can this encourage you in your “fight of the faith” today?
Reflect on this past week: Did your thoughts, actions, and behaviors align with your confession that Jesus is King? How can this alignment influence our Gospel reputation?
Read 1 Timothy 6:15-16. Which of these attributes of God are most encouraging to you in your current circumstances?
Share a struggle or circumstance you are facing right now. Have you been fighting this struggle like God is your “Why”? If not, how will you change the way you’re fighting the good fight of faith?
Action Step
Spend time this week studying Jesus’ confession that He is Lord and your confession that He is Lord. Find and write down scripture supporting these confessions. Reflect and journal: how can the truth of these scriptures encourage you in your fight of faith?
Each morning, reflect on 1 Timothy 6:11-12. Commit to pursuing righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness. Be prepared to share with your group the next time you meet about one experience you had as you committed to living out this personal call.