A Message From Pastor Jerry
Dear Chapel Family,
As I shared in our worship gatherings on Sunday, May 19th, Edie and I will be moving later this Summer. We are relocating our home to Georgia so that we can be accessible to our parents. But, I will be remaining in my role here at The Chapel. So I'm moving, but not leaving. You no doubt have a number of questions as to how that will work. On this page you'll see a video that hopefully explains some of this process in a bit more detail than I was able to share within the Sunday morning sermon. You'll also see some FAQs that we've put together, to hopefully answer those questions to the best of our ability with the information we presently have. Thank you for your ongoing prayers for us, for our church, and ultimately for the Lord to lead as He wills. I am so grateful for you.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Jerry
Frequently Asked Questions
How long has this decision been in process?
The initial thought began just before the COVID pandemic, but then prayerfully re-approached about two years later. The Board of Overseers and some pastoral leadership staff have been in the loop and praying with Pastor Jerry and Edie for many months (up to a year and half for some of them).
Is this decision why we have recently named campus pastors at our CrossPoint campus?
No. Our desire is to have campus pastors at all campuses, and this was the plan regardless of Pastor Jerry’s relocation.
Will the nature of Pastor Jerry’s role change?
Somewhat, but not all that significantly. Pastor Jerry will still be preaching frequently, still provide directional leadership to the whole of our ministry, still develop and coach pastors and staff, still work with the efforts in the broader Church of WNY, and will also give specific attention to our missional role nationally through Christ Together as well as our efforts globally.
Could they move their parents here instead?
No. There are numerous reasons that this is not an option.
Will Pastor Jerry still be preaching?
Yes. Currently, the preaching is a shared responsibility in which Pastor Jerry speaks 60% of the time. The plan going forward will be that he preaches 50% of the time; so, in this new format, that will only amount to approximately five less Sundays per year than his current preaching schedule.
How often will Pastor Jerry be in town?
It will vary from month to month, but a normal month will likely see him present in Buffalo for ten days or one-third of the month. On some of those occasions, Edie will be with him.
Will this be a disruption to our staff?
Though a relocation does provide some level of disruption, it will be as minimal as possible. Technology provides real-time access to communication through video meetings and other forms of conversation when absent. Our overall leadership structure – which includes a Board of Overseers, campus pastors at each campus, along with a faithful team of deacons, volunteers, & ministry staff – makes for a sustainable and durable structure for ministry.
Is this a short-term or long-term decision?
It will be as the Lord wills, but plans are already being discussed through 2025 and beyond.