
Our purpose is to move people towards financially healthy lives by understanding and actively applying biblical truths about money. We define financial health as effectively managing the resources God has entrusted to us, engaging in generous living, and fully trusting God as Provider.

It is with this purpose in mind that we seek to offer opportunities to intentionally encourage and teach people what the Bible says about money and how we can practically apply those principles to our everyday lives.

Please also refer to the "Stewardship and the Mission" tab to see how our ministry fits into our overarching mission of The Chapel.

Stewardship Resources


Financial Peace University

We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University is a biblically based curriculum that teaches people how to handle money God's way. Through participating in this class you will learn how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more. Our next Financial Peace University will begin on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. To learn more contact us at 716-250-4358 or fill out our interest form below.

Interest Form

Testimonials from Financial Peace University Students at The Chapel

  • The most helpful thing about this class has been to get on the same financial page as my spouse. We have a plan and we are in it together.
  • I now have a handle on my finances and the financial products I choose. We saw that we could tithe and still meet our needs and manage our debt.
  • I am amazed how much this class has changed my life in just 9 weeks. I look forward to how it will impact the rest of my life.
  • I’ve learned to be more disciplined with spending on things I don’t need but want. It also really helped me see that to reach our goals for our family’s future, we need to prepare for it now.
  • I wish I would have learned this earlier in life.


Faith and Work

According to the author of “Every Good Endeavor”, Tim Keller, “Our work matters to God”. In his teachings, Keller states that even though we spend 80% of or more of our waking hours at work, we hold to the belief that the only reason for work is to earn a living. He also recognizes that a large percentage of Christians believe that what they hear from the pulpit on Sunday doesn’t help them with the stresses, strains, frustrations, and other demotivators that they would be facing on Monday morning.  

We believe similarly that many of our Chapel family are challenged with the integration of their Christian faith and their work-life.  

We are excited to announce as part of our Stewardship Ministry, that The Chapel has teamed with Redeemer Church’s global outreach ministry to provide an eight-week intensive course which will explore God’s design for your work and help you get started on a life journey of integrating your faith into your work-life.  

This program will require a serious level of commitment consisting of your time (3-4 hours/weekly prep) and the desire necessary to learn, assess and invest in yourself as well as your peer in the cohort.  

Would you prayerfully consider being a part of our first cohort to journey through this program?  

Interest Form 

Estate Planning Seminar

We can’t plan for the future, but we can prepare for it. Financial Planning Ministry (FPM) takes the mystery out of estate planning, guiding you and your family through a seamless process allowing you to design a legacy plan, with no cost to you, that blesses your family and honors God. Our next class will take place on Saturday, August 17, 2024. If you are interested, please fill out the form below. 

The Chapel has partnered with FPM to provide you with the opportunity to learn how to make decisions, pass on your values, and start planning for your future. 

Webinar learning objectives:

  • Pass on your values. Preparing for the future reflects good stewardship and protects the things that mean the most to you.
  • Save yourself/your beneficiaries time & money. Lowering your estate taxes and eliminate probate, estimating by 9 months to 2 years and $16k to $60k.
  • Have peace of mind. Fulfill your desires on medical decisions, guardianship of your minor children, and distribution of your valuables, as it is legally binding and guaranteed.

Interest Form



How does the Stewardship Ministry help to support and promote the over-arching mission of The Chapel to reach every man, woman, and child with the Gospel?

Let’s first start by reviewing some foundational principles and truths outlined in Scripture:

  • The Bible is clear in linking our financial lives with our spiritual lives. (Matthew 6:21) Our relationship to money will always impact our relationship to God, and therefore our relationship with others and our ability to bear fruit and produce a harvest. (Mark 4:18-20, Luke 16:10-13)
  • To be eternally minded includes loving, serving, and sharing the Gospel with those around us, in response to the love, servanthood, and salvation that we experience through Christ. We cannot be both eternally minded and worldly minded; we cannot take hold of life that is truly life and have a tight grip on our money and possessions. It is when our hope is in God and our lives are marked by generosity and goodness that we are able to invest in souls and the eternal Kingdom. (Luke 18:18-23, 1 Timothy 6:17-19)
  • As we learn how to manage our money wisely and are enabled to be increasingly generous, this generosity is a direct reflection of the God we serve. Our kindness shown through open-handedness allows people to see and experience a tangible picture of God’s goodness and inspires recognition of and praise to Him. (2 Corinthians 9:11-12)
  • Money has a huge role to play in leveraging the good we can do in people’s lives. We may have a desire to help, but our willingness to use the resources God has entrusted to us will often allow us to help more effectively. As managers of God’s resources, including money, we are called to look for opportunities to leverage those resources to accomplish good deeds and reflect His character of sacrificial giving. (Luke 10:30-37, James 2:14-17)

The Stewardship Ministry aims to provide financial teaching as it relates to the importance God places on generosity and handing worldly wealth as well as the practical ways to respond to such teaching. We desire to see hearts and lives transformed by the reality of who God is, specifically as Owner of all things, the great Giver, and our ultimate Provider. We believe that awakened hearts will lead to changed lives and these changed lives will change other’s lives – every man, woman, and child.