Stewardship Resources

Do you need help with budgeting, paying off debt, or student loans? Here are some helpful resources that the Stewardship ministry has compiled.

Budgeting Tools

You Need A Budget
Lots of folks swear by You Need A Budget. The people who use it really love it. There are no advertisements within the program because it is a service you pay for. It is only $50 per year. The interface they utilize is incredible too. We would suggest checking out their website before making a decision about how you will track your budget.

EveryDollar Budget Tool
This is a digital budget tracker for all you Dave Ramsey fanatics out there. It helps you stay on track with your budget and your debt payoff goals. This one is unique because each time you spend money (off your debit card of course) you get a notification asking you classify the expense within a budget line right away. It also uses all the Ramsey language the Financial Peace University students know and love. The folks at Ramsey Solutions have also put together a great resource for walking you through making a budget. This one does have a cost to it if you link your bank account to the program, which is pretty much the point of utilizing it.

Excel Spreadsheets
Just about everybody should have a budget in an excel spreadsheet that they use as a baseline for what they put into their digital tracking tool if you choose to utilize one of those. Download the excel spreadsheet that the Stewardship team uses with most people. You can update the line items within it however you need to.


Debt Payoff Tools

The National Foundation for Credit Counseling
If you’re really struggling with your debt situation, you may want to consider checking out the NFCC. It’s a great non-profit organization dedicated to helping consumers improve their financial situation, without the ridiculous fees that most other credit counseling organizations charge.


Student Loan Info
Income Based Repayment Info