wedding and pre-marital counseling


Your Wedding Day is a Big Deal! On behalf of all of us here at The Chapel, we want to say congratulations to you on your engagement! We know that preparing and planning for a wedding can be a lot to navigate, but we also know that it is an exciting time. As you plan for your wedding day, we believe that it is vitally important to get ready not just for your wedding day but for your marriage which goes way beyond a day. We would love to come alongside of you as you look forward to marriage by encouraging you to go through a premarital counseling process as we desire to see every marriage equipped to thrive for the glory of God.

What we believe in for the design of marriage

We believe in the power of marriage and God’s design for a male and a female to come together as one. The oneness of marriage is a beautiful reflection of the gospel of Jesus Christ, so we realize that this is bigger than just the happiness of two individuals. It is about representing the faithfulness and love of the great bridegroom, Jesus, to His Bride, the Church. This can be clearly seen in Ephesians 5 specifically in verses 31-33: “ For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

Getting Started

To get started, we'll have you fill out some paperwork to get to know you both better. First, please fill out this form to allow us to get to know more about you and to get some basic information about your wedding day. After completion of this form, someone from our team will reach out to you. Next, both bride-to-be and groom-to-be should fill out Premartial Questionnaire and each purchase a copy of the book 12 Questions to Ask Before You Marry by Clayton and Charlie King. You can either purchase the book at Stir at our CrossPoint Campus or here is a link to buy the book online. After your forms are complete, someone will contact you to set up your first pre-marital counseling appointment! 

Pre-Engagement Counseling

While most of the content of this page is geared to couples that are already engaged, we also want you to know that if you are in a serious relationship and are considering marriage, we highly recommend pre-engagement counseling. It can be really helpful to sit down with one of our pastors or trained counselors to talk through taking that next step of an engagement. Before getting into the busyness of planning a wedding and having some of the additional pressure that comes with that, it can be very beneficial to have space and time to process through your relationship and ensure that you both are ready to take that next step together. We would be honored to help support in any way that we can! To get started please fill out our PDI and call/email Mindy Witte to set up an appointment.

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