Bible Reading Plans

If you're committed to getting into physical shape, one of your first steps would be to write out a plan of attack: when you’d go to the gym, how much time you’d spend there, which exercises you’d do, and what other life habits would need to change to maximize your workout. You’d follow this predetermined plan to keep you accountable (on the days you didn’t feel like working out) and to track your growth.

Now think about this: God wants to shape you more and more into the image of His Son. One of the primary ways God does that is through His written Word, the Bible. Not only does God give us direction in life through His Word, but the truth we discover there also guards our hearts and minds from error – specifically, from the Enemy’s deceptions. We demonstrate our trust in God by reading, learning, knowing, and obeying God’s Word.

If you are committed to following Jesus, then you should Have a Plan: when you’ll spend time in God’s Word daily, how much time you’ll spend there, what you’re going to read, and what other life habits need to change to maximize your time in God’s Word. This could be anything from toning down how much social media you consume, all the way to eliminating a destructive and sinful habit you’ve accommodated for a while. The key is this: having a plan established will keep you on-target and also help track your growth, as God continues to shape you into the image of Jesus.

We’ve put together a few different plans for you to choose from. Remember: the key is spending daily, quality time with God – not just trying to absorb content or check off a box. It's been said, "Don't read just to complete; read to meet!" This is a time to meet with God. Choose a plan that will lead you into that quality time, and consider inviting a friend or family member to join you in that same plan.


  1. 5x5x5 New Testament Plan.

5 minutes a day, 5 days a week, with 5 suggestions for how to retain what you’re reading. If you’ve struggled in the past, this would be a great place to start. You will read through the entire New Testament in a year. (Get plan here: 5x5x5)

  1. Book-at-a-Time Plan.

This plan is great for its variety. The first reading alternates between Old and New Testament; the second reading selects from the Wisdom books (Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs) or Isaiah. You could read both selections together or split them up between morning and evening. You’ll end up having read the whole Bible in a year. (Get plan here: Book-at-a-Time)

  1. Genesis-through-Revelation Plan.

January 1 starts in Genesis 1, and December 31 ends in Revelation 22. This plan journeys straight through the pages of Scripture, requiring an average of 3 chapters per day. (Get plan here: Genesis-through-Revelation)

  1. Chronological Plan.

Read through the Bible in the order the events occurred chronologically. Start the plan.


If you have never really spent time in God’s Word, or if you’ve tried in the past but have lacked consistency in this area, make a commitment to spend regular, intentional time in God’s Word – and start today! Deepen your intimacy/connection with God the Father, because everything about life as a disciple flows from that Source. We want “to know God, or rather, to be known by God” (Gal. 4:9) and that’s why daily time with God in His Word is so vital. Not only does this have impact on our own lives as disciples, but it will enrich our ability to lead others as God grants us varying degrees of influence. So make sure you Have a Plan – and stick with it!

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