Faith In The Storm: A Spotlight Series on Missional Living

Faith In The Storm: A Spotlight Series on Missional Living

In just a few short months, "normal life" has become far different than what we've ever experienced before. We're in the midst of a pandemic, and because of that, the emotional and tangible needs of those around us has grown substantially. As a church, we started The Armor Project, as a way to identify and meet as many of those needs as possible, and for one individual in our church, it became the platform in which she was able to help others in communities outside of her own. 

“I was praying, Lord expose the need, show me where I can help in my community. Show me how I can be your hands and feet during this time." This was the prayer of Cordie Daniels, who wanted nothing more than to show the love of Christ, to so many who were greatly feeling the impact of this virus. It was not too long after this that Cordie heard about the Armor Project. "As a community group leader, I just started to ask those in my group if they needed help, or if they knew anyone who needed help. Through that, I was able to start delivering some armor boxes." Not only did Cordie begin delivering boxes, but she would take an opportunity to go out to the grocery store multiple times to purchase items, even if it meant going early in the morning. "There were usually specific items that I was trying to buy, which sometimes meant trips to different grocery stores. I knew of some families that were able to get food through SNAP or WIC, but they didn't have the funds to buy diapers or wipes for their children, so it was a blessing that we could provide that through the Armor Project."

Through beginning deliveries, Cordie was able to see what a blessing it was, and knew that there had to be more people in need, who could greatly benefit from receiving some of these items. So, she took the initiative to begin identifying where those needs existed. "I have friends that live in different communities, and are a part of other churches around Western New York, and I just started asking them if they knew of any families who were in need of a box." It didn't take long for Cordie to begin getting requests for items. She started delivering boxes to multiple areas outside of her own community, including different parts of Buffalo and Niagara Falls. 

"When I started delivering these boxes, I was able to see what a blessing it was to so many families. This was helping to alleviate some of the stress, but most of all, it showed that others cared. People were very thankful to know that someone was caring for them and praying for them." 

"There was one single mom with five kids and a small business that was closed due to the pandemic. She had no other income, and was just about in tears when I arrived with a box. She was so appreciative because she was telling me that she was unsure how she'd make ends meet." Through Cordie's delivery, she was able to build a relationship with her. "She had some friends that we're struggling with some different things, and she reached out to me, because she knew I was a Christ-follower, to see if I was interested in speaking with them. It gave me an opportunity to show others Jesus"

For Cordie, these deliveries aren't about her, but it's about how she can do her part to be a light during a dark time. “I’ve been in the shoes of some of these people, with no money, or food in the cupboards, with the anxiety and stress that it brings. It pulls my heart to see how I can help to alleviate any of that. No matter what our denomination or political beliefs, it’s about loving others and seeing how we can help each other. I want to help others first.”

From the time the project has started, Cordie has delivered and continues to deliver, multiple boxes to people living in different communities. "The armor boxes have brought a lot of hope to families and is a way to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We all have a part in Christ’s body. Some may be able to give financially, and others may not, but we’re all necessary.”

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