Job Opportunities

About Our Culture

The Chapel is committed to ensuring that every man, woman, and child hears and sees the Gospel of Jesus Christ on repeated occasions both here and around the world. This will be accomplished through the leading of the Holy Spirit as we plant churches and partner with other ministries. In addition, we will, through faith, rely upon God to provide the resources necessary to accomplish this Mission. As part of this team, you would be given every opportunity to demonstrate to our congregation and guests that we love God, love the Church, and love the world that Jesus died to save. It will also be a priority to equip our congregation so that we fulfill the mandate to “equip the believers to do the work of ministry” and to allow them to grow into their roles in God’s mission. As we do all of this, we will make much of Jesus and honor our brothers and sisters in Christ as we love, encourage, and build them up in faith.

Who Should Apply

We believe all Christ-followers are called to ministry wherever God has placed them. We also recognize that God has and will bring those who have been called, gifted and qualified to serve this congregation in vocational ministry (where their full capacity is freed up for the purposes of ministry). If you believe you are qualified and have been called and gifted to serve in vocational ministry, below you'll find a list of open positions we're looking to hire for as well as an area to submit your resume as a general employment inquiry.

**Seek God as Priority** As a team, we recognize that our ability to bring God glory, equip the church and make disciples starts by seeking Him as our priority. This goes beyond spending regular time in His Word and in prayer, but living our lives in a way that is daily relying on His Spirit to lead us. Under His leading, our hearts are aligned to His mission – both in our personal lives (how we are living missionally where God has placed us) and in how we faithfully lead others (in the ministry and domain God has given us). **Think Others First** As a team, we believe Christ demonstrated how we are to live in relationship to each other – with sacrificial loving and giving. His Spirit will posture our hearts in a way that enables humility alongside excellence, a generous and open-handed life alongside wise stewardship, discipline alongside grace and mercy, serving each other as we work interdependently, and fostering unity amidst diversity. The result is a healthy, empowered and engaged community that demonstrates trust. **Choose Trust** As a team, we know that a healthy culture is built on a foundation of trust. Trust enables not only harmony but commitment and accountability to our mission. In order to choose trust, we need to believe that the same Spirit is at work in all of our lives. We each need to demonstrate trust and be trustworthy. **Stay Healthy** As a team, we believe that how we care for ourselves impacts our ability to serve others well. We need to leave margin in our lives to have time and energy for what is most important. **Grow Together** As a team, we want to foster growth and maturity as we interdependently serve each other well. Growth and development requires self-awareness and discipline alongside humility and a mutual respect and value for diversity of gifting and abilities. As such, we will proactively identify, confirm, affirm, encourage and empower gifting and abilities in others with a goal of ongoing learning, innovation and development. We seek to live and work with a fierce spiritual and professional resolve in order to become more like Christ and steward the gifts and opportunities He has given us.

Please review the brief descriptions of each position below. These are active job openings. If you'd like to apply, please click the link below that particular opportunity.

Adult Ministry Coordinator

The Chapel is looking to hire a Full-Time Adult Ministry Coordinator. If you are interested and believe you are qualified, submit your interest here!

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Family Ministry Coordinator - Niagara Falls

The Chapel is looking to hire a Full-Time Family Ministry Coordinator for the Niagara Falls campus. If you are interested and believe you are qualified, please submit your interest here!

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The Chapel's Internship Program is designed to help you discover who God has created you to be, and to take your next steps in doing what God created you to do. Our internships are unpaid opportunities designed to provide valuable experience and skill development.

Internship Positions

The Chapel has unpaid internship positions. Find our more information here.

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These are departments at the chapel that don't have active job openings. However it is anticipated that there will be openings in the near future. Submit your resume as a general employment inquiry.


Given our growing ministry needs, The Chapel is regularly looking for those who may be interested in serving in administrative support roles. If this is an area of ministry you would like to be considered for, please submit your resume to our team.

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Family Ministry

Given our growing ministry needs, The Chapel is regularly looking for those who may be interested in serving in our family ministry. If this is an area of ministry you would like to be considered for, please submit your resume to our team.

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These are positions at The Chapel that don't have active job openings, however you may still submit your resume as a general employment inquiry.

Adult Ministry

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Big Ideas Preschool

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Childrens Ministry

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College Ministry

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Facilities/ Maintenance

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Food Service / Hospitality

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Student Ministry

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Worship and Creative Arts

Music, Graphic Design, Production, and Communication

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Our Team Values

Our values as a team are directly aligned to our spiritual formation as disciples and the same expectations we have for the congregation we serve:  

**Intimacy with God** – we will seek God daily for wisdom, guidance and alignment to His mission in our heads, hearts and hands.

**Christ-like Relationships** – we rely on God’s Spirit in each of us to live a life characterized by integrity, discipline and generosity.  

**Spiritual Gifts** – we will serve the congregation, greater body of Christ and community that God has placed us in through modeling trust, humility, forgiveness and believing the best in and for others. We will actively seek to release/align team members into greater levels of their giftedness as the Spirit of God reveals and empowers.

**Grace Story** – we look to bring God glory in all that we say and do by continually preaching the Gospel to ourselves as we value the individual stories of each person that makes up our team.  

Growing as a disciple of Christ will impact how we work together as a team - it influences our behaviors.

We believe these behaviors represent our best hope and expectation for our team in creating and sustaining a God-honoring work environment and culture that will not only produce the best results but help us to effectively and efficiently achieve our mission.

If you are interested in employment at The Chapel, you are welcome to submit your resume to one of our ministry areas that interests you.

The Chapel provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, age, disability or genetics.