Parent Baby Dedication

ParentBaby Dedication is a significant beginning in your journey as you start to teach your child what it means to love God with all their heart. You have the greatest opportunity for influence in your child's life and we are so excited that you are interested in participating with us in our ParentBaby Dedication. You have been entrusted with this precious gift of new life, and we look forward to partnering with you as you embark on this parenting journey. Parenting in the early stages isn’t easy, but with direction and intentionality, parents can begin to build a spiritual foundation that lasts. More than an event, ParentBaby Dedication connects parents to a community of faith and helps them to see a bigger story.

ParentBaby Dedication has limited spots quarterly at each of our four campuses. Each parent who plans to participate needs to attend our 90-minute ParentBaby Dedication Class at our CrossPoint Campus as well. If you are interested in participating in our ParentBaby Dedication, please click on the button below to apply.


ParentBaby Dedication Application


We look forward to celebrating this special day with you and we encourage you to invite friends and family to attend, so that they can join you in praying and celebrating this special time with you. We hope that ParentBaby Dedication will be a memorable moment for you and your family.




What should I expect?

ParentBaby Dedication is a small, intimate celebration lasting about a thirty minutes. During the celebration, parent(s) publicly commit to help their child develop a faith of their own and raise them in a home centered on Jesus. We’ll challenge you to make every week count because we are honored to partner with you on your journey as parents. We promise to be a consistent source of encouragement, strength and resources as you raise your child to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Do I need to be a member to participate?

You do not need to be a member of The Chapel to participate in ParentBaby Dedication. We do ask that families call The Chapel home, because you are stating that you are willing to partner with God and the Church to help your child develop a faith of their own as they grow up. As your church family, we are here to partner with you and be FOR your family.

Is Dedication the same as Baptism?

The Chapel believes that baptism is intended for believers, after they place their faith in Jesus Christ, once they have the maturity and ability to understand what that means. We want to adhere to what the Bible says about baptism and here’s the pattern that we see baptism always comes after a person believes in Jesus. You can check out Acts 2:41, Acts 8:12-13, and Acts 18:8 as a few examples of that pattern: “They believed…and they were baptized.” Belief always precedes baptism and an infant or young child is unable to profess that belief. Rather than baptizing infants or young children, we encourage ParentBaby Dedication, where parents seek God’s blessing for their child and publicly commit to raise him or her in a home centered on Jesus.