The Brady Family

When each of my children were born, there was a conscious effort to capture specific moments within those first couple years; one such moment was a group photograph memorializing several generations in one setting. I can still conjure up at least one of those images for each of my children. They are special memories encompassing our ability to learn from and reflect upon the past, the existence of promise and hope for the future.

Over the past 8 months, I have had the pleasure of serving alongside a family that shares moments like this each and every week. Justine Brady and her daughters, April and Heather, serve in King’s World at the Cheektowaga Campus. In addition, Justine’s mom, Deb Smith, serves on our First Impression team. It has been such a blessing to get to know them and serve alongside them. Each woman has her own role and faithfully goes above and beyond what is asked. I can see their desire to model Christ not only in their serving our guests, but also as they serve each other.

While Deb offers a kind smile at the Information Center, Justine works diligently to register new families and welcome returning ones at our King’s World Guest Central. April and Heather serve together in our preschool environment. Not only do they lead a group of preschoolers through “small group” activities, they also help to facilitate the Bible lesson, and they tear the set-up down and pack it up. Each of these women are influencing the families that come through the doors of The Chapel and also influence the other volunteers that work alongside them.

In addition to serving weekly as a family, there is another reason they are unique to me; they said, “Yes” to serving and jumped in with both feet. They heard the call for help, and although none of them had served in this capacity prior, they made the commitment and have not looked back. It is very cool to watch them as they support each other in all that they do. Their teamwork mindset is infectious and has overflowed to the rest of the team.

Each of these women are influencing the families that come through the doors of The Chapel and also influence the other volunteers that work alongside them.

They are obeying God’s Word by using their gifts to serve one another. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen” (1 Peter 4:10-11).

These amazing women are not serving to be the center of attention or reap praise and recognition. In fact, due to the nature of King’s World, April and Heather may be considered “behind the scenes” as they are only seen by the preschoolers they serve. They are being obedient to God’s Word. Through this obedience, they are helping model this to our guests and also to the other volunteers who serve with them. They didn’t step up to serve having it all figured out at first. They didn’t even know where they were going to serve when this all started. They had willing hearts and open minds. They had a love for Christ that has been modeled through multiple generations.

What is God asking of you? Is your “Yes” on the table? We are committed to making sure that you have a place to serve and to grow in your faith. There are opportunities across each ministry to serve no matter how God has gifted you. If you are willing to obey Him and step out in faith, we will help you find your place. You just need to take the first step and simply say “Yes!”

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