Ebola Response Update

Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. —Psalm 115:1

Since my last blog post, much has happened to the glory of God. His people are responding in amazing ways as prompted by His Spirit to help those in Sierra Leone who are in desperate need to see His mercy, His grace, and His provision. God has used this as well as many other initiatives to bring help and healing to that nation. We are privileged to play a part in what God is doing there.

With the Food Program Initiative, the Sierra Leone Alliance, of which The Chapel is a part, has touched 154 houses in Sierra Leone under quarantine in November. This represents more than 750 people who have been helped including more than 100 orphans. Undoubtedly, these numbers will grow as this program becomes more established commensurate with the resources available. It should be noted that the threat of Ebola is real and tangible given 18 of the 750 helped during the month of November died as a result of this terrible disease. I am truly thankful that we get a chance to work alongside others in Western New York who comprise the Alliance. The common mission, heart, and mind to make a difference is truly unique for it demonstrates a reality in the Kingdom that is unfortunately all too rare but nonetheless encouraged in Scripture. The response of those connected to The Chapel over the last couple of weeks has been nothing short of astounding noting that over $50,000 has been raised to fund the Food Program. This money will enable this program to operate as planned well into 2015. Thank you and may God get all of the praise and glory! How He works in and through the hearts of His people is amazing.

Yet, some when looking at the fear-based headlines may be inclined to ask, “Where is God in all of this?” (Psalm 115:2) The profoundly simple answer—He is. His people by responding directly to this crisis declare that God is alive, He is in heaven, He hears, He sees and He speaks through the actions, the hearts, the hands and the words of His people who as they are guided by His Spirit bring Him praise and glory. (Psalm 115: 3-18)

We will continue to engage in Sierra Leone and do what we can to bring help, to bring hope, and to bring light to a place and a people desperately needing it. As we do, God is glorified for the prayers and pleas of those there are answered. God expects His people to be attentive to the needs of this world such that His glory, mercy and truth can be demonstrated, experienced and responded to by faith. If you have a desire to get involved in this by giving, please note that no gift is too small—one meal for one person costs just 25 cents! You can securely give through the Chapel’s website at www.thechapel.com/giving and denote your gift as Kingdom Come.

Blessings to you and may it ring true as the psalmist declares:

Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. (Psalm 115:1)

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