Patch Our Planet

Patch Our Planet

The mission of Patch Our Planet is to equip, inspire, and unite churches to best care for children in foster care and orphans globally by providing clear direction, long-term vision, and valuable resources through a custom orphan care strategy. The following article was written by Steve Gillis, with Patch our Planet. 

"This year, Patch Our Planet embarked on a collaborative project called “More Than Enough,” with the goal of ensuring more than enough resources, support, and families before, during, and after foster care. This project is being led by the Christian Alliance for Orphans, and is being supported by local churches and organizations like ours all across the country. Did you know that there are 3,142 counties or county-equivalents across the US? We believe that if more than 10% of churches in a county would fully engage in intentional care, the problem would likely be solved by 2025. You may ask, what would success look like?


  • Foster families and kinship families for every child in need.
  • Adoptive families for every child who needs one.
  • Help for biological families trying to stay together or get back together.
  • More than enough support for all families caring for kids.


Patch Our Planet serves as a catalyst to churches by providing custom orphan care plans for local churches and orphan care networks. We help provide the roadmap for churches in order to release the incredible potential that exists in that body of believers to love God and others through orphan care." 

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