

EBOLA Must Be Stopped

Discovered in 1976 after 284 people died, this terrible disease has continued to emerge...

Breaking Down Barriers

How many times have you heard our mission statement? So many times that hopefully you can say it...

Caring for the Defenseless

James 1:27 in its simplest form would state…care for the defenseless I would categorize...

Age of Pandemics

Do you remember last year at this time? 2013 for many of us is a distant and ever-fading memory...

Responsibility to each other as believers

I was talking with my team this morning about the role we have in leading people within the...

Encouraging our kids to own their faith

My wife, Donna, and I (along with some great support from the SHINE! middle school ministry at...

What environment am I creating in my home?

Let me just start out by saying that this topic is incredibly personal to me because it is a...

Jesus or the Waves

We are hardwired to a default position of trusting ourselves. I wish that wasn’t true. I wish...

Deaf Ministry Testimonies

This morning, we had the opportunity to highlight a few grace stories from our deaf ministry...

Wisdom & Understanding

Over the past few years, I have noticed an increased desire in my own life to seek wisdom and...

So good to be known

It feels good to be known. That feeling and desire is captured perfectly in the theme song for...

Right perspective brings clarity

Perspective is a really interesting principle. It’s defined as something that “gives the...