

Loyalty—Can it be Found Anymore?

I recently asked myself a couple of questions as it relates to the concept of loyalty. The...

Unconditional Worship

This week I’ve been spending time reading in the book of Job. It’s an account filled with...

Travelogue: Haiti January 2014

I just returned from spending a handful of days in Haiti with Mission of Hope, Haiti, who is The...

Travelogue: Dominican Republic January 2014

This past week, I had the opportunity to visit the Dominican Republic along with a medical team...

Life Giving Leadership

The Church, or as it is described in Scripture as “the body of Christ,” is like no other...

Generous Leadership

Most of us have heard and even read writings about being a humble leader, a servant leader, a...

The Puzzle of Teams

Recently, I was in a meeting with a handful of other ministries from Western New York who all...

World Hope Conversation about Pineapples in Sierra Leone

Some have asked should the Church get involved in things like economic development given many...

Childlike Faith

Serving in King’s World, we sometimes feel that we are viewed as a well-organized...

Brianna's Story

Brianna Triplett was only 15 years’ old when her mother committed suicide. She had left...

Global Fellowship News from Central/South America

If you are not familiar with the Global Fellowship, it is a joint effort birthed by a handful of...

Saturating WNY

Many who read this blog know full well the mission of The Chapel, which is to ensure that every...